FX Experience Has Gone Read-Only

I've been maintaining FX Experience for a really long time now, and I love hearing from people who enjoy my weekly links roundup. One thing I've noticed recently is that maintaining two sites (FX Experience and JonathanGiles.net) takes more time than ideal, and splits the audience up. Therefore, FX Experience will become read-only for new blog posts, but weekly posts will continue to be published on JonathanGiles.net. If you follow @FXExperience on Twitter, I suggest you also follow @JonathanGiles. This is not the end - just a consolidation of my online presence to make my life a little easier!

tl;dr: Follow me on Twitter and check for the latest news on JonathanGiles.net.

JavaFX links of the week, February 4

Hi all – welcome to another weeks worth of links – enjoy! 🙂

  • Java 7 7u13 was released this week, and along with this release comes JavaFX 2.2.5. It is highly recommended that everyone upgrade to the latest release as soon as possible.
  • Jasper Potts has posted a blog about Modena, the new theme for JavaFX 8.x. I must say that having been watching it develop over the last few months (and giving my 2 cents of feedback) that it is a huge improvement over Caspian, the theme used in JavaFX 1.x and 2.x. Leave your feedback on the blog post about what you like and dislike – it is impossible to please everyone but there is still time to improve things (indeed, there are still things I would like to see changed too!) 🙂
  • Danno Ferrin has noted (via his excellent OpenJFX mirror over at bitbucket) that a few very nice new features are starting to appear in the JavaFX 8.0 repositories, including printing API and improved API granularity for embedded support.
  • Speaking of Danno, he has blogged about how he has added support for adding application icons with the Gradle JavaFX plugin.
  • Dierk König has posted part four of his JavaFX abacus tutorial.
  • The Panemu blog has announced the TwiulFX 1.1 is now available for download. TiwulFX provides custom JavaFX components specially designed to work with Java POJO objects. It has 2 main components: TableControl, Form; and also customized column and input components to display a specific data type.
  • Patrick Martin has posted Dex Tutorial #7: Java Garbage Collection Analysis. Dex is a visualization application written using JavaFX.
  • Arnaud Nouard has blogged about his ‘undecorator‘ tool, which allows you to easily ‘add a better look to your JavaFX stages’.
  • Johan Vos is seeking feedback regarding API design in DataFX.
  • Andy Till has posted code to allow for easy Region resizing by mouse click and drag. Whilst he states this doesn’t work for UI Controls (as in JavaFX 2.x UI controls didn’t extend from Region), this should work in JavaFX 8.x as UI controls do extend from Region from this release onwards.
  • Leon Atherton has blogged about mouse events in JavaFX. This is a good read for anyone new to the event handling system in JavaFX.
  • noxxxxo has posted a YouTube video showing a Raspberry Pi running the JME C64 emulator using JavaFX as the rendering technology. You can see the code over at GitHub.

Catch you all in a weeks time 🙂

Modena – new theme for JavaFX 8

Modena – new theme for JavaFX 8

We have been working recently on a new theme for JavaFX 8. The current theme for FX, named Caspian, is showing its age and we wanted to take the opportunity to give JavaFX a face lift for 8. Because folks have created custom controls and designs for their app, we needed to make sure that selecting the theme was something that you could opt-out of. We will be providing both API and command line switches in 8 to allow you to specify caspian specifically. If you do nothing, you’ll get Modena, our new theme, by default. Without further ado this is what it looks like:


JavaFX links of the week, January 28

Welcome to the last links for January 2013 – time sure is flying these days! Enjoy 🙂

That’s us for another week. Catch you again in a weeks time! 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, January 22

Hi all – welcome to another weeks worth of links! There are a heap of links, so lets get straight into it! 🙂


JavaFX & Raspberry Pi

Catch you all next week!

JavaFX links of the week, January 14

Here we go with another weeks worth of links! Enjoy 🙂


JavaFX and Raspberry Pi

  • José Pereda has posted about NXTBeeFX: “A JavaFX based app for Raspberry Pi to control a Lego NXT robot wirelessly”.

Catch you all next week!

JavaFX links of the week, January 7

Hi all. Welcome to the first post of the new year! I hope you all had a chance to wind down for a few days over the holidays. I did, but it’s great to be back at work now as I have a lot to get done this year! Today is my sixth wedding anniversary, so please excuse the brevity! Anywho, let’s get into the links 🙂


JavaFX and Raspberry Pi

That’s all for this week. Catch you all in a weeks time 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, December 31

Welcome to the last JavaFX links of the week for this year! Obviously with the festive season in full swing this week is a relatively quiet week, but nonetheless I have some interesting links for you to read. Enjoy, and have a good new years and start to 2013! Catch you in a weeks time! 🙂

  • Stephen Chin has announced his plans to go on another night hacking tour, this time taking in the Nordic countries between January 25 and February 7.
  • I was given a (virtual) clip around the head by Ed Thompson for his issues when dealing with the JavaFX ComboBox control. Fortunately most issues are on their way towards being resolved, and as always I’d love to work with people feeling pain in any UI control to develop improvements and / or review patches based on the OpenJFX source code.
  • Hendrik Ebbers has started playing with JavaFX on Raspberry Pi. He has been investigating using DataFX and GridFX on it, and has posted some videos to show progress.
  • Andy Till has open sourced a JavaFX application that he has been developing called EstiMate.
  • Narayan Maharjan has posted part two of his 3D Object (cube) ‘concept to code’ series of posts.
  • Thierry Wasyl continues to develop his DrawFX application, and has posted an update with his latest progress.

That’s all for this year – catch you all again next year when we do it all over again! 🙂

JavaFX link of the week, December 24

It’s Christmas eve here and there is a huge number of links, so please excuse the brevity – I want to get back to family and food! 🙂


JavaFX and Raspberry Pi

Wow, that took a long time to write! Catch you all again next week – and I wish you all a great festive season.

JavaFX on Raspberry PI

JavaFX on Raspberry PI

BrickBreaker running on a Raspberry PI

BrickBreaker running on a Raspberry PI

Today Oracle has released the first JavaSE 8 + JavaFX Developer Preview. This is really exciting for anybody who’s wanted to try out the $35 Raspberry PI ARM mini-computer (and I do mean mini!). Incidentally, anybody who picks one up really needs to get the Pi-Bow enclosure for the PI — I got one yesterday and highly recommend it!

JavaSE is a HotSpot based VM, so it is really quite zippy. I did some timing calculations on my PI this morning based on the prime number test provided in this Raspberry PI Java forum posting. Yes, there is a new Java category on the Raspberry PI forums, do visit and leave your experiences there :-). Anyway, I ran both Java and GCC version 4.6.3 with -O2 performance optimization enabled.

Test Real User Sys
JavaSE 8 (build 1.8.0-ea-b36e) 0m7.830s 0m4.970s 0m2.840s
GCC 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-12+rpi1) 0m7.716s 0m4.990s 0m2.700s
GCC 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-12+rpi1) -O2 0m6.361s 0m3.940s 0m2.400s

I find the results really impressive, because basically the difference seen between Java and native is just due to the startup costs. Which means that Java is a really great choice for developing applications that will run on the Raspberry PI. Java also represents (to my knowledge) the first VM stack to optimize for hard float on ARM v6.

I couldn’t help myself though, I cranked up the test to find all prime numbers below 50,000 to see if the startup costs in fact are the difference between the JVM and native code. Below are the results. As you can see, HotSpot is faster than native code!

Test Real User Sys
JavaSE 8 (build 1.8.0-ea-b36e) 1m37.808s 1m25.570s 0m12.000s
GCC 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-12+rpi1) 2m18.875s 2m7.390s 0m11.1300s
GCC 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-12+rpi1) -O2 1m42.166s 1m31.206s 0m10.580s

I wrote a quick JavaFX application this morning and tried it out. A couple things to make sure you note!

  • jfxrt.jar is not on the classpath by default (yet). So be sure to include it!
  • -Djavafx.platform=eglfb must be specified. If not, it won’t run.
  • Ahem. There appears to be no way to kill an FX app, unless you can SSH into your box or switch to another terminal. Or have your app make sure it has an exit button. But then, when playing BrickBreaker, who’d ever want to stop?

None of the flags used in javaFX on the command line are “public API” and may go away in the future, but this particular flag is likely to be around for a while. It lets you choose which version of glass to run with. On Raspberry PI, right now, the only option is eglfb (which makes you wonder why we require you to specify it on the command line. There are some questions that we just shouldn’t ask ;-)). Basically EGLFB runs OpenGL on the frame buffer directly, meaning that it wants to own the entire screen. This is great for Kiosks and media centers and such, but not so good for normal X11 usage. Hopefully the X11 usage shows up sometime soon, but in the meantime, JavaFX will own the display.

You should go read the developer preview documentation and also Stephen Chin’s blog on PI. JFokus has a Raspberry PI hands on lab, which is already fully booked, but I’m betting you can get Simon Ritter to give you some material if you want to try at home :-).

Have fun hacking over the holidays!