FX Experience Has Gone Read-Only

I've been maintaining FX Experience for a really long time now, and I love hearing from people who enjoy my weekly links roundup. One thing I've noticed recently is that maintaining two sites (FX Experience and JonathanGiles.net) takes more time than ideal, and splits the audience up. Therefore, FX Experience will become read-only for new blog posts, but weekly posts will continue to be published on JonathanGiles.net. If you follow @FXExperience on Twitter, I suggest you also follow @JonathanGiles. This is not the end - just a consolidation of my online presence to make my life a little easier!

tl;dr: Follow me on Twitter and check for the latest news on JonathanGiles.net.

JavaFX links of the week, June 16

Hi all. This is my last post until mid July, as I am away on vacation until then and won’t be able to keep current with all that is happening in the JavaFX world. Apologies, but I hope to see you all again in a months time! 🙂 Now, on with the links.

That’s all for this month. See you all sometime mid-to-late July when I get back home again! 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, June 8

A quiet week this week, but some good releases and posts nonetheless. Enjoy!

  • ControlsFX 8.40.9 and 8.20.9 were released this week. This was a major bug fix release primarily, so it is encouraged that everyone that is using JavaFX 8u20 or later upgrade to these releases.
  • RenĂ© Jahn has a post on custom comboboxes with JavaFX.
  • Griffon 2.3.0 has been released, with a number of JavaFX related improvements.
  • Dirk Lemmermann has posted another JavaFX tip, titled ‘Watch Your Skin‘.

Catch you all next week.

Announcing ControlsFX 8.40.9 (and 8.20.9)

This release has been a long time in the making – I must apologise for the delays. However, today is the day that I am pleased to announce the availability of ControlsFX 8.40.9. This release is the first release to baseline on JavaFX 8u40, and brings with it hundreds of bug fixes and usability improvements. This release is not a major feature release, but don’t let that dissuade you from downloading and using in place of the previous releases. For those of you stuck on JavaFX 8u20, we’ve also released 8.20.9, but this will be the last ControlsFX release for JavaFX 8u20 – all future releases (for now) are baselined on 8u40.

The main champion of this release is Samir Hadzic. He has almost single-handidly brought this release to life, pushing hundreds of bug fixes, not just in his SpreadsheetView control, but across all of ControlsFX. So, from myself, Eugene, and the many thousands of developers and users of ControlsFX – a massive thank you to Samir! Other contributors to this release include (in no particular order): Dirk Lemmerman, Geoff Capper, Eugene Ryzhikov, Roger Terrell, Robert Lichtenberger, Anirvan Sarkar, Márcio Carneiro Rodrigues, Nicolai Parlog, Andreas Liebelt, Cole Markahm, Danno Ferrin, Jeff Plourde, Steffen Rachner, Jason Pollastrini, Lukasz Sliwinski, Ralf Schmitt, Thijs Walcarius, and James Denvir. On top of this is our excellent translation team, who translated this release into 23 languages. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed!

If you are unfamiliar with ControlsFX, you can get an overview of the main features. As always, you can download the latest release from controlsfx.org, as well as find the latest release and hourly snapshot builds on Maven Central.

JavaFX links of the week, June 2

A quiet week this one – and apologies for the day delay in posting this, public holidays (as yesterday was) are distracting!

That’s all folks – see you next week.

JavaFX links of the week, May 25

It’s already late May – this year is racing by! Take some time out today to enjoy the following links 🙂

A great set of links this week – I hope you enjoyed them. Catch you next week! 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, May 18

Another round of weekly links – enjoy 🙂

That’s all – catch you next week. Bye! 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, May 11

A relatively quiet week this week, but there are a few interesting links worth reporting. Enjoy! 🙂

That was quick! 🙂 Catch you all again next week.

JavaFX links of the week, May 4

Must….resist….May the 4th…..joke…..enjoy….links! 🙂

Have a great week – and may the fourth be with you…dang! 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, April 27

A few interesting posts this week. Enjoy! 🙂

That’s all folks – catch you again next week!

JavaFX links of the week, April 20

A very quiet week in the JavaFX world!

  • The Gluon guys (as well as members of the JavaFX community, such as Jens Deters and JosĂ© Pereda) have announced the availability of the open source ‘Down’ library, a sub-component of the forth-coming (and commercial) Gluon Charm library. Down is useful for mobile JavaFX application developers to create software that makes use of specific elements of the mobile hardware that they run on.
  • RenĂ© Jahn has posted about ‘JavaFX + Android + Live Preview‘. This post talks about using their (commercial) VisionX product and its live preview feature, to develop JavaFX applications for Android (using JavaFXPorts) without having to deploy to the device for testing.
  • Chris Newland has posted a second ‘demo scene’ video created using JavaFX. It is really quite impressive seeing JavaFX put through its paces and not breaking a sweat at 60fps.

That’s all for this week. Catch you again in a weeks time! 🙂