FX Experience Has Gone Read-Only

I've been maintaining FX Experience for a really long time now, and I love hearing from people who enjoy my weekly links roundup. One thing I've noticed recently is that maintaining two sites (FX Experience and JonathanGiles.net) takes more time than ideal, and splits the audience up. Therefore, FX Experience will become read-only for new blog posts, but weekly posts will continue to be published on JonathanGiles.net. If you follow @FXExperience on Twitter, I suggest you also follow @JonathanGiles. This is not the end - just a consolidation of my online presence to make my life a little easier!

tl;dr: Follow me on Twitter and check for the latest news on JonathanGiles.net.

Announcing Scenic View 8.0.0 Developer Preview 2

Today I’m pleased to make available an updated Scenic View 8.0.0 release (that is, the version of Scenic View targeted at JavaFX 8.x). This release is mainly to keep Scenic View working with the latest JavaFX 8.0 APIs. In addition a number of bugs have been resolved to make Scenic View slightly more usable (but there is still a lot broken and / or disabled). If you are still having trouble getting Scenic View to start and find any JavaFX applications please leave a comment and help me out – the next developer preview release is intended to focus on improving this aspect of Scenic View (I have built all the scaffolding to improve things but not yet implemented much of it).

For those unfamiliar with Scenic View, it can best be described thusly: Scenic View is a JavaFX application designed to make it simple to understand the current state of your application scenegraph, and to also easily manipulate properties of the scenegraph without having to keep editing your code. This lets you find bugs, and get things pixel perfect without having to do the compile-check-compile dance.

As always, further information and download links can be found on the Scenic View page.

Announcing Scenic View 8.0.0 Developer Preview 1

The development of JavaFX 8.0 has been ongoing for quite some time now, but for the most part the twists and turns of both public and private API changes has come to an end. Whilst these APIs have been changing I have been trying my best to keep Scenic View working (although it hasn’t always been easy due to the reliance on private API – yeah, I know, *tsk* *tsk* 🙂 ). Now that JavaFX API is relatively stable I feel confident in releasing a first developer preview build of Scenic View 8.0.0. I must note that this is very, very beta quality and needs a lot of polishing to be ready for real production use, however it should (hopefully) still meet your needs as well to a same degree as earlier versions. Many of my colleagues inside the JavaFX team at Oracle have been successfully using builds internally, and I have had untold hours of my life saved by this first developer preview build.

If you feel like trying out Scenic View 8.0.0 developer preview 1, please go to the usual download location and download it. If you run into issues please leave comments on this blog post and I’ll try my best to rapidly iterate the developer preview builds to at least reach a stable and functional release (if somewhat lacking in new features). Please note that Scenic View 8.0.0 will only run on JavaFX 8.0, so do not bother upgrading to it if you are still developing on JavaFX 2.x (if you are, stick with the latest release – 1.3.0).

Enjoy, and thanks for testing! 🙂

Announcing Scenic View 1.3.0

After a little over a month since the release of Scenic View 1.2.0, Ander Ruiz and I are back with the news that Scenic View 1.3.0 is available for immediate download! This release brings with it a number of bug fixes, major performance improvements, much improved CSS support, Mac OS X native menubar integration, an update checker, and an early preview of the animation tracer feature. I highly recommend that all users of Scenic View download this latest version and take it for a spin – hopefully you’ll like what you see. As always the help page has been updated to include the details of the new release Enjoy 🙂

JavaFX Scenic View 1.2.0 now available for download!

JavaFX Scenic View 1.2.0 now available for download!

It is with great pride that Ander Ruiz and I announce the release of Scenic View 1.2.0. This release includes a bunch of new features, most notable of which are support for event monitoring, javadoc browsing, contextual menus (to minimise UI clutter), support for copying details to the system clipboard, and a bunch of bug fixes (particularly around tools.jar / attach.dll requirements). As always, the download can be grabbed from here, and you can read the help documentation to learn about all the features.

Enjoy! 🙂

Scenic View 1.1.1 now available

Scenic View 1.1.1 is a quick bug fix release following hot on the heels of Scenic View 1.1.0. This release improves the internal debugging ability of Scenic View so that we’re better able to help you when you can’t run Scenic View! Hopefully you’ll do us the courtesy of downloading this version before you file any bug reports with us (via FX Experience comments).

As always, the download is available from the Scenic View page.

This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by the letters S and V, with a big dollop of F and X.

Scenic View 1.1.0 is now available for download

Ander Ruiz and I have been working frantically on Scenic View since we first released it a while back, and we are really, really, really pleased to finally announce the release of verion 1.1.0. Scenic View 1.1.0 took a while to get out as it is a huge update to Scenic View. The features are all detailed on the Scenic View help page, but briefly the most important feature of this release is that whilst Scenic View still supports the old ScenicView.show(scene) method, it now also is a standalone application that can discover running JavaFX applications at runtime. This was by far the biggest feature request we received, and we heard you and spent untold hours hacking it out (and pulling our hair out!). The amount of hacking required to find and communicate with JavaFX applications at runtime is immense, and I am so pleased that we were able to crack this!

Other new features include support for java instrumentation, multistage, a heap of improvements based on user feedback, improvements in the component highlight feature, etc, etc, etc.

The other big thing for this release is that we have a really good foundation to start adding new functionality, and we already have 1.2.0 in the works with a bunch of new features in it, including event tracing, animation tracing, and javadoc browsing. We’ll be getting 1.2.0 out as soon as possible. Hold on – we’ve got a lot in store!

I’m not one for big press release announcements. For those of you who use Scenic View (and based on the download stats there are a lot of you!), get downloading! For those of you new to Scenic View, read the help page to understand what Scenic View is.