JavaFX links of the week, December 10
Here we go all over again! Enjoy! 🙂
- The most important thing for everyone this week is to go and fill in the JavaFX for tablet / mobile / embedded survey. We need your feedback, so please fill it in if you haven’t already, even if you don’t care about JavaFX on these platforms. Thanks! 🙂
- Richard Bair kicked off a fx-games project over on bitbucket for the OpenJFX community to work together on a game to test out the graphical power of JavaFX. The first game being worked on is a JavaFX version of the classic tower defense. Join in on the discussions and offer to start coding or providing graphics resources!
- Florian Brunner has stepped into the JavaFX rich client platform arena with his own submission called Drombler FX, which at first glance looks like it strikes a really nice balance (and does some things the way I would do them if I could, e.g. annotations for actions) 🙂
- Gerrit Grunwald updated his post from last week to mention he has updated his library to support converting text into SVG paths.
- Daniel Zwolenski has a post titled ‘JavaFX with a SpringMVC REST server in 5 minutes‘, which talks about his new Maven archetype for quickly creating REST+JavaFX projects.
- jaxenter did a nice post on the recently released DataFX 1.0.
- Arnaud Nouard did a teaser post about his work on a SwingNode API to allow for integrating Swing inside JavaFX.
- Thierry Wasyl has two posts this week. Firstly he has a post about building JavaFX runnable JAR with IntelliJ IDEA (and Ant). Secondly he has a post about the JavaFX TableView control, in particular allowing to size the column width using percentages (there is actually a Jira issue (RT-17180) for this feature request, so it would be ideal to see this contributed back to OpenJFX).
- Speaking of TableView, Amrullah has posted a blog post about their work on the JavaFX TableView control to add in a bunch of new functionality. Again, there may be stuff in here that could be contributed back to OpenJFX.
- Leon Atherton has blogged about handling threads and concurrency in JavaFX applications.
- Sri kalyan has blogged about some JavaFX event handling tips.
- Laurent Nicolas has updated his radial menu control to support submenus and other features.
- Randahl Fink Isaksen has posted his thoughts on designing for multiple screen resolutions in JavaFX.
Catch you next week.