FX Experience Has Gone Read-Only

I've been maintaining FX Experience for a really long time now, and I love hearing from people who enjoy my weekly links roundup. One thing I've noticed recently is that maintaining two sites (FX Experience and JonathanGiles.net) takes more time than ideal, and splits the audience up. Therefore, FX Experience will become read-only for new blog posts, but weekly posts will continue to be published on JonathanGiles.net. If you follow @FXExperience on Twitter, I suggest you also follow @JonathanGiles. This is not the end - just a consolidation of my online presence to make my life a little easier!

tl;dr: Follow me on Twitter and check for the latest news on JonathanGiles.net.

JavaFX links of the week, March 20

A relatively quiet week this week, but a few nice links nonetheless:

  • Edvin Syse released FXLauncher 1.0.15, and auto updating launcher for JavaFX Applications.
  • GlazedLists 1.10.0 has been released. As Holger Brands put it to me: “It now features an JavaFX extension, which contains a bridge between EventList and ObservableList. EventObservableList is an implementation of ObservableList that is backed by a source EventList. That way you can use your existing EventList pipelines and connect it to the JavaFX world.” Very nice! 🙂
  • Stephan Janssen has posted about the ‘brand new “My Devoxx”​ mobile app‘, built using JavaFX (using Gluon) and running on iOS and Android, which is being used for all Devoxx conferences, including Devoxx US coming up this week.

JavaFX links of the week, March 13

Sorry for the irregular posts recently – whilst on paternity leave my time was limited and it wasn’t always easy to get posts out. Now that I’m back at work I can more easily get things written. Apologies to anyone I may have missed – keeping an eye out on latest developments was also a little difficult. Anyway, there’s a lot to cover this week:

JavaFX links of the week, February 27

I missed last weeks links due to the arrival of my second child, and I’ve been on paternity leave since then. Therefore, I might have missed some links, but feel free to email me and I’ll get them included next week.

  • Thomas Nield has released RxKotlinFX 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 releases.
  • Gerrit Grunwald has released an updated TilesFX with improved map tile support.
  • Dan Newton has written about editable tables in JavaFX. Normally I would review these articles for accuracy before linking to them, but time constraints mean I haven’t this time around – hopefully it is accurate 🙂
  • Dan Newton has also posted about ‘Size does matter (in JavaFX)’, an article about configuring JavaFX charts.
  • Markus Falkhausen has finished his class diagrams project for JavaFX.

JavaFX links of the week, February 13

  • Gerrit Grunwald is doing awesome work on TilesFX, this week improving the sizing strategy to not waste space as the tiles area is resized.
  • Tom Schindl has added support in e(fx)clipse for Java 9 – great work!
  • Dirk Lemmermann has posted about the benefits of writing custom layouts in JavaFX for performance and flexibility reasons. As the JavaFX UI controls tech lead, one of the core things I spend a huge amount of my time on is custom layouts, and I agree that it is an incredibly useful skill for people to have. It opens up a world of possibilities to getting exactly what you want, and often times is a far quicker way of creating the look you want, compared with using multiple nested layout containers!

JavaFX links of the week, February 7

A day delayed today, as New Zealand celebrated another public holiday yesterday. In any case, better late than never, so enjoy 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, January 30

Apologies for not posting last week – it was a public holiday on Monday (when I normally write and publish these posts), and it slipped my mind until too late in the week. Anyway, here are all the links that you might have missed in the last two weeks – enjoy 🙂

JavaFX links of the week, January 16

  • Kevin Rushforth posted to the openjfx-dev mailing list encouraging everyone to start testing their software on JDK 9, because a lot has changed in there with regards to modularisation, removing impl API, etc. It is critical that bugs be reported now and not after release, so get testing!
  • Florian Brunner has released Drombler FX 0.9. Drombler FX is a modular application framework for JavaFX.
  • Gerrit Grunwald has done another of his ‘Friday Fun’ releases, this time combining the world map control with the heat map control he has previously built, and the result is pretty cool!
  • The AdoptOpenJDK project has a jitwatch project written with JavaFX that analyses and visualises the Java HotSpot JIT compiler.
  • Chris Newland has released part three of his DemoFX performance testbed / demoscene callout 🙂 The YouTube video of it is very cool…

JavaFX links of the week, January 9

Another year already! I hope everyone had a good break over the holiday period. I know I did, although I have to say I wish it were longer! In any case, I’ve been away on holiday and not keeping a close eye on the latest Java desktop news, so apologies to people who worked hard and who I have missed. Please email me and I’ll be sure to include you next week.

JavaFX links of the week, December 19

I’ve spent the last two weeks crammed inside a steel tube doing a full trip around the world bringing JavaFX joy to developers everywhere 🙂 Because of this, I missed out on posting the links for the last few weeks, and equally bad, I became so busy during that time I couldn’t keep track of things that happened. Therefore, I apologise in advance if I missed your news from the last few weeks. Please email me to let me know, and I will include it next week.

JavaFX links of the week, November 28

  • Thierry Wasylczenko has been working on JStackFX, which provides a user interface to analyse thread dumps generated by the Java jstack tool. It looks very nice!
  • Edvin Syse has released TornadoFX 1.5.8, which includes a heap of improvements and some new controls such as a slideshow component.
  • Alessio Vinerbi has released an updated version of his open source AnchorFX docking framework for JavaFX. This looks very nice.
  • Jens Deters has released MQTT.fx 1.3.0, which includes the results of hard work on stability and performance improvements, along with some UI additions.
  • Tom Schindl has two posts this week. Firstly, he has created a ‘SashPane‘ for JavaFX that has slightly different characteristics compared to the JavaFX SplitPane, and secondly he has a short post on some performance improvements he has introduced into e(fx)clipse to deal with reparenting nodes in the scenegraph.