Following hot on the heels of the developer preview 5 release, I’ve decided to roll out another developer preview build of Scenic View. As always, the download links are on the main Scenic View page. This release has the following changes:
- Support for JavaFX SubScene nodes.
- Improved support for Linux machines.
- Fixed support for running Scenic View as a startup agent.
I look forward to hearing how everyone gets on. As always, bug reports in comments please! Thanks.
Hi Jonathan,
Do you have a documentation anywhere?
because I used to simply run the application like that “;” but this is not longer working.
I have to use a UpdateStrategy and I don’t know what that refers to..
Use, but I might rename this class to ScenicView soon.
Allright, this is working!
Try to update the help page, or rename “ScenicViewBooter” to just “ScenicView”, it’ll be better in order not to confuse people who used old versions.
I’ve renamed to ScenicView.
It would be nice to spice up the color display in the properties section of a selected node.
I know, editing would be somewhat difficult, but what about a tiny rectangle showing the actual color, instead of the Color’s instance hashcode?
Not a bad idea – I will look into it when time permits.
Is this what you mean:
In general: Yes, that is what I had in mind.
But on your screenshot, Sceniv View displays a red color, whereas the displayed Stage shows a green and an orange fill…?
That is because the bounds rectangle is drawn over the rectangle. It is semi-opaque, so it changes the rectangle appearance from red to orange, but it is indeed red (as shown in Scenic View).
Ok, then it is working as intended
Hope to see it in action soon.
By the way: You might add some proxy settings to Scenic View. In the office, the JavaDoc Tab won’t load..
Steffen – any chance you could get me some code that does work in your office? Just a simple JavaFX app with a WebView that sets the proxy settings? Thanks!
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080");
//System.setProperty("http.proxyUser", "proxyUser");
//System.setProperty("http.proxyPassword", "proxyPassword");
WebView wv = new WebView();
BorderPane root = new BorderPane(wv);
Scene scene = new Scene(root,400,400);
This works just fine in our office. As our proxy does not use authentication I uncommented the two lines..
Hi Jonathan,
Any chance you can support FX8 apps running under Intellij. (Not sure: but perhaps com.intellij.rt.execution.CommandLineWrapper gets in the way of the agent somehow.)
Do you mean running as a Java agent (with a runtime argument), or something else?
For example, with Auto-agent install…
When runing any JFX8 App under Intellij, and then exec-ing the scenicView.jar App, I get the message
'Launching agent server on:7559:7558:10048:true'
in the IntelliJ 13.1.4 console but no scene view graph shown and no errors reported.
The log in the sceneView console output is:-
C:\PROGRA~1\java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe -Xdebug -jar .\scenicView.jar
Platform running
Launching ScenicView v8.0.0
Startup done
Creating server
Server done
Number of running Java applications found: 5
Obtaining properties for Java application with PID:10048
1 JavaFX applications found
Loading agent from:D:\downloads\jfx\scenicView-8.0.0-developer-preview-6\scenicView.jar
Loading agent 10048 ID:10048 on port:7559 took:101ms using agent defined in D:\downloads\jfx\scenicView-8.0.0-developer-preview-6\scenicView.jar
Remote agent started on port:7559
And I’m running on Win7.1 64bit.
Running standalone FX8 Apps, sceneview works fine with auto agent install.
This is a nice tool! First time I tried it.
However, it behaves slow, if the real JavaFX application is terminated.
I’ve started Scenic View with double click on Windows and it auto-discovered my app. Then when I stopped my app, Scenic View still displayed the app and its node details etc. and was very unresponsive, when trying to click on the tree view. Exiting also took a few seconds.
Hi jonathan, nice tool! Thanks for the good work.
I have a feature request: I’m often debugging sizing issues in some components of my scenegraph and I use the “Property filter” a lot to search the values of properties related to sizing. For example I type ‘width’ as filter and I can see at once all the properties that drive the width of a component. But most of the time I have to type-in the filter again for every single component in the hierarchy in order to identify which one has the wrong value.
It would help a lot if it were possible to have “sticky” filters that stay active when selecting other components until we “un-stick” them.
What do you think?
Good idea. I won’t implement it immediately (as I’m trying to get 8.0.0 out the door), but I will keep it in mind for future versions. Thanks.
Hi Jonathan,
is there a way to inspect tooltips?
Perhaps you could register some key combination, which creates a snapshot of the current SceneGraph…
Not at present unfortunately.
Hi Jonathan,
I was looking the source code of your great tool and found that the repository ( is private. Did you plan to open source it?
Yes, quite soon now.