Here we go again…..enjoy! 🙂
- JavaFX 2.0.2 was released this week, bringing with it a heap of bug fixes, as well as a number of new features including SWT interoperability, and improved mouse scroll APIs. Additionally, the license was updated to allow for redistribution.
- A new JavaFX 2.0 Developer Preview release has been made available for Mac OS X.
- Coinciding with the release of JavaFX 2.0.2, the JavaFX Documentation team put out a number of new articles, covering topics such as JavaFX menus, styling charts with CSS, handling events, and others.
- The JavaFX roadmap has been updated to give more detail about future releases.
- Tom Schindl has announced the release of e(fx)clipse 0.0.9, as usual it comes with bug fixes and a few new features, including improved wizards, improvements to his fxgraph DSL, and early FXML support.
- Sven Reimers and Geertjan Wielenga have announced the eFX project, which is a JavaFX RCP based on the NetBeans RCP.
- John Smith has blogged about having a code editor in JavaFX by embedding the JavaScript CodeMirror editor inside a JavaFX WebView.
- Pedro Duque Vieira has blogged about using ContextMenu in both JavaFX, and when embedded within a JFXPanel inside Swing.
- Dustin Marx has blogged “Hello JavaFX 2.0: Introduction by Command Line“.