We have not yet provided a SplitView Control in JavaFX (and it is not in the plan for 1.3). However, the main reason is that it is relatively simple to write one from scratch so we’re focusing on some of the harder things (like TreeViews). I was asked recently how to go about writing a SplitView in JavaFX, so I decided to write a very short blog post with sample code from a demo I wrote for this past Devoxx.
Essentially what I did was to create a specialized Container. (Note, if we were doing this in the core platform I’d make it a Control so that it is skinnable, but in my case this was lower overhead for something specialized I was doing). It consists of a “left” and “right” side (vertical splits would be similar and is left as an exercise to the reader!). It then has a transparent rectangle which is used as the divider, and on which we place the mouse events. Whenever the divider is dragged around, the SplitView is marked as needing to be laid out. Whenever layout occurs, the left & right sides are resized to fit relative to the divider. Here’s the code (which I have not sanitized so there may well be bugs!)
public class SplitView extends Container {
public var left:Node;
public var right:Node;
var pressX:Number;
var initialX:Number;
var divider:Rectangle = Rectangle {
blocksMouse: true
x: 200
y: 0
width: 5
cursor: Cursor.H_RESIZE
onMousePressed: function(e) {
initialX = divider.x;
pressX = e.sceneX;
onMouseDragged: function(e) {
var delta = e.sceneX – pressX;
divider.x = initialX + delta;
override var content = bind [left, divider, right];
override function doLayout() {
// layout the left node such that it fits up to divider.x
layoutNode(left, 0, 0, divider.x, height);
divider.height = height;
layoutNode(right, divider.x + 5, 0, width – (divider.x + 5), height);
Cool i didn’t know about the container.
For the people who want to see the api:
it says:Base class for container nodes. A container is a resizable javafx.scene.Group whose width and height variables may be set explicitly.
Richard: Can you please post a picture so we can see how it looks like?
Sure, here’s a picture. In this case I chose to have the divider not draw anything, but using this technique you can draw it however you want. The left and right nodes here are Buttons.
This shows how easy it is to implement custom ui components in javafx.
How about an example of how this is used? Complete source code that produced that picture?