Half a day late, but it was a public holiday today, so I was out enjoying the sun! On with the links…
- Gluon released Scene Builder 8.1.0, and also published a blog post about the ‘never-ending popularity‘ of Scene Builder.
- Speaking of Gluon, Bennet Shulz has posted about dependency injection in JavaFX with Gluon Ignite and Dagger.
- Gerrit Grunwald continues to iterate rapidly with his Medusa gauge library – he is already up to version 1.8 this week! He has also written a blog post about creating a dashboard consisting of gauges.
- David Gilbert has released a new version of FXGraphics2D, a ‘A JavaFX library that allows Java2D code (Graphics2D) to be used to draw to a Canvas node.’
- Edvin Syse has posted about creating a ListMenu control in JavaFX, and has a github repo with the code in it.