Another round of links for everyone – enjoy 🙂
- The Gluon blog has an article on ‘scanning Bluetooth Low Energy beacons with Charm Down‘.
- Tom Schindl has two posts related to e(fx)clipse 2.2.0 this week. Firstly, a post on maximising UI components, and secondly a post on typesafe event buses.
- Rob Terpilowski has released version 1.1.2 of the NetBeans JavaFxPropertyHelper plugin.
- Dirk Lemmermann has two posts this week. Firstly, he has a survey on JavaFX missing features – you should go fill it in. Secondly, he has a tip on how to autosize table columns in the TableView and TreeTableView controls.
- Ken Fogel has posted on how to make custom JavaFX controls available in the JavaFX Scene Builder.
- Arnaud Blouin has posted about GUI testing, in particular ‘how to compare JavaFX GUI snapshots to assess their graphical rendering‘.
Catch you all next week.