- The big news this week is that JDK 8u40 was released, including the very latest JavaFX bits. 8u40 is a big release, including a few new UI controls (Spinner, Formatted TextField, and Dialogs), as well as accessibility support on Windows and OS X.
- For those looking for Scene Builder – it was announced by Oracle that it will only be shipped in source code form from here on out.
- However, this week saw the arrival of a new JavaFX-related company called Gluon. Gluon has announced that it will ship builds of Scene Builder, and even plans to improve support for third party controls, etc. Since that announcement, Scene Builder installers have also been built and made available.
- Jens Deters has announced the release of FontAwesomeFX 8.2.
- Sebastiaan Hogenbirk has blogged about creating a trend curve/line in JavaFX charts.
- Manuel Mauky has blogged about data models for the TreeTableView control, including posting code for recursively built tree hierarchies.
- René Jahn has a post about a desktop pane for JavaFX, part of their (open source) JVx framework.
FX Experience Has Gone Read-Only
I've been maintaining FX Experience for a really long time now, and I love hearing from people who enjoy my weekly links roundup. One thing I've noticed recently is that maintaining two sites (FX Experience and JonathanGiles.net) takes more time than ideal, and splits the audience up. Therefore, FX Experience will become read-only for new blog posts, but weekly posts will continue to be published on JonathanGiles.net. If you follow @FXExperience on Twitter, I suggest you also follow @JonathanGiles. This is not the end - just a consolidation of my online presence to make my life a little easier!
tl;dr: Follow me on Twitter and check for the latest news on JonathanGiles.net.
And start from 8u40, JDK/JRE for Mac is bundled with ASK toolbar. 🙂
No more official Scene Builder binary and add a great ASK toolbar. GOOD JOB.
Another link:
BLOATware installed by default with java on Macs
I don’t understand… Will Scenebuilder be discontinued?