A heap of links this week – you’ve all been very busy! 🙂
- The JFXtras team has been busily working on getting JFXtras 8.0 out, this week releasing JFXtras 8.0-r1.
- Tom Schindl continues to work on enabling Eclipse to render itself using JavaFX, and the results are starting to look really good (especially given the power of CSS). It’s very cool to see JavaFX being used to render Eclipse!
- Canoo has announced the release of OpenDolphin 0.9. This new release includes a new “push” capability for instant, bi-directional updates and a full-featured OpenDolphin web client for use with HTML5 and JavaScript/TypeScript.
- TESIS DYNAware has released an FBX importer and viewer for JavaFX 8. You can use it to load (binary) FBX files and show the result as a JavaFX 3D mesh.
- TESIS DYNAware has also released their ‘fancy-chart‘ code, which is essentially a JavaFX chart that is linked up with a TableView, such that you can select in one of them to see the relevant information in the other. Very nicely done.
- Tomo Taka has posted a very nice post about JavaFX drag and drop. If you are interested in using drag and drop in your JavaFX application, this is a great summary.
- Jeffrey Guenther has a post making clear how event handling is done in JavaFX, particularly in relation to overlapping sibling nodes.
- Jeff Martin released an updated SnapCode this week with new Play Sound functionality.
- Dirk Lemmermann continues to refine his (commercial) FlexGanttFX project, this week posting videos of agenda editing, gantt chart activity linking, and an example using aircraft / flight scheduling.
- Vasilis Souvatzis has been working on a JavaFX application aimed at dietitians.
That’s all folks. See you next week! 🙂