A new JavaFX 2.0 beta build has been made available. The main feature of this release are:
- The worker threading API that Richard has discussed previously.
- Support for rich text editing (via the new HTMLEditor control)
- A FileChooser dialog.
FXML, which is a scriptable, XML-based markup language for constructing JavaFX user interfaces. Turns out I was wrong on this – we didn’t get this into this build. It will definitely be in the next one however!
In addition, I believe that both the online API docs, as well as the developer documentation, have been updated, and additional tutorials added. These changes may take a short while to be reflected online however are now online.
I recommend that everyone that is working with JavaFX 2.0 beta builds update to the latest build as soon as possible, as that helps to uncover new issues and also reflects the very latest features and functionality. From my understanding the download rate for these beta builds has been huge, so thanks to everyone for testing the beta releases and giving such valuable feedback. I look forward to hearing your feedback on this latest release. The best place to discuss JavaFX 2.0 is at the OTN forum.
First thing I noticed was the [Win32] runtime installer, almost 3Mb smaller than last build. Is this all result of the footprint improvements work, or just better packaging/compression?
And, oh well… another framework bows to XML, a sad day for human kind
but we could see that coming. Too bad no SDK samples yet using it. Is the idea of an alternative binary format still alive?
Hey Osvaldo, I think the size reduction is strictly packaging. Which I’m told we have two copies of msvcr100.dll in there (wowzers), so there is probably still some additional work to be done.
And Jonathan, you forgot to mention the addition of one of the most useful control for pretty much every serious application: the FileChooser
I am glad that it is now included *cheers*
Thanks – I didn’t know that the FileChooser made it into this build (my team doesn’t own the file chooser). I’ve updated the post to include a link to this.
Dear Developers
I wonder how user experience is going to be held
will JavaFX be integrated to JRE when it goes to stable? or will users separately download&install it as in Flash plugin?
the most easier way means bigger adoptation
Thanks for your great work guys!
Ohh thanks for the filechooser, will update my stackoverflow question to say that. obviously a tutorial in that direction will set the ball rolling.
FXML sounds nice. How soon the next build?
I really apreciated this build , JavaFX is getting really better every build is released, but there is a problem with this . when I try to execute the jar file out of the IDE (netbeans) , the appilcation does note work and show me a window dilaog saying :
Javafx laucher error:
Unable to load javaFX runtime.
This error is lauched to every application in javaFX SDK apps folder.
Am I missing something ? Any Idea how to fix it ?
Hello! I have some thoughts.
It may be caused by calling 64-bit runtime via 32-bit java.
If you really downloaded only 64-runtime, you may try to install 32-bit javafx-runtime too.
I had the same problem.
Thank you for your attention.
I will try this now.
Do you know if anyone created a demo or screencast that shows the new HTMLEditor control?
The service classes seems to be there but the javafx doc packaged with the SDK and the one online seem to be out of date as neither javafx.concurrent nor its classes are listed.
Same for the FileChooser, the documentation does not contain the accessor to the filters’ list.
It’s likely that the new package just isn’t included in our JavaDoc build script. I’ll update the build script now to include this new package.
I’m not sure what you’re saying about FileChooser. The filters list appears to be in the online JavaDoc.
You’re right, I probably looked in the wrong place for this one (old Swing habbits still lingers around).
By the way now with java.io.FileFilter, java.io.FileNameFilter, javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter and javafx.stage.FileChooser.ExtensionFilter we have basically 4 classes that do mostly the same thing… too late to unify that for Java 7 but feels a bit useless. I used to create a single class that unified I/O’s FileFilter & FileNameFilter to Swing’s FileFilter (with extra capabilities), looks like it’s not possible to do the same with this one as it is final (so no chance to chain or compose filter to each other for advanced sorting/filtering).
I recommend you file a Jira RFE – who knows, we might be able to do something. As far as I know, you should assign it to the scenegraph component, not the controls component.