We recently finished our session at devoxx on “JavaFX Games”, for all you you who have attended or read our previous post and played the game, here is the source.
We are excited to see all your cool physics experiments and games so please post links in comments.
awesome game!
and very nice to see integrating 2d physics with javafx too!
but why don’t you mention that your using the awesome phys2d lib for the simulation? o_O
void256: We did talk about phys2D and Box2D where all the 2D physics engines seemed to drive from in our session at devoxx. These blogs were written on the run between session and train so we could get the demo and code out to people so it just got missed in the rush. We are planing to do a series of posts about using physics in JavaFX and will go into all the details in those.
You guys did a great talk at devoxx.
Is it possible, to share the rest of the samples that you presented during devoxx.
Donovan: I included the code for the examples in the same project. Some small variations are missing as we just played with values.
Link to the game is broken. Can you please renew it